Freitag, 22. Februar 2013

Exhumation Interview



Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Formed In: 

Death Metal

Yoga - Guitar
Kusnan - Guitar
Gregorius - Bass
Agung - Drums
Punto - Vocals

Q: What was the reason for using the band name "Exhumation"?
A: Gaps: We believe that we could explore our inner sacred things throughout Exhumation. We believe that our sacred things become an epic aura to its verses and rhymes.

Q:  How many shows have you played, and which one has been your favorite thus far?

A: Gaps: Unfortunately, we've poor in math and we never counted how many gigs we shared actually. We also don't really care about the gigs that we've already share with. But, there's something that attract us foremost, the four habitats tour last year. That was such a great tour, because we've got more friends from this tour, we can dig more and more the essence and value of true underground music there, also we can spread our music deeply from the tour.

Q:  What lyrical theme do you guys use in your music? What message do you want to send?

A: Gaps: We've tried and tried to put dark aura in every words, explore it more and more both outside or inside! Personally, I don't really care about the message in our lyrics because it always goes and ruin in subjectivity for you all, debating words that only ruin your perspective and value. Meanwhile, if you're listen to our stuffs. Just think that these words are only a path, a pathway to hell!

Q:  What song do you enjoy playing the most live?

A: Gaps: I think our songs in Hymn to your God album has a certain value, I mean there's a dynamic that can make people feel attracted. So the answer is, I'm honored to dig every song in Hymn To Your God album. Thanks Punto, Gre, Unan, and Agung.

Q:  What artists have influenced your band and its music?

A: Gaps: Actually, we have our own 'like' and 'unlike' bands. Because every member of Exhumation came from different path but for certain reason. But personally I was poisoned neo folk and shoegaze music such as Mondstille, Vali, Nest, Alcest and soon but recently I'm very impressed with Amenra - Mass V, very deppresive and intense stuffs!

Q:  If a fan wants to get a tattoo with one line from your lyrics, which line should he take?

A: Gaps: Sorry to say that we don't want a (so-called fans) to do it anyway. But if some people (I hope not a fans) like our stuffs, and they're such a tattoo-minded just write down 'ONLY DEATH IS REAL!' on their back.

Q:  If you would tour the USA this year, which bands would you like to play with?

A: Gaps: So far so noir, let's make four habitats tour to burn out USA with Headkrusher, Goddess of Fate, Nocturnal Kudeta, and YOUR BAND Chris (Where The Baptized Drown), I want you! hahahaha

Q:  What is the main source of inspiration when writting new music?

A: Gaps: Well, there's a black magic upon us, concrete value which gaining our life to be more and more higher. I do believe we gain our inspiration from nothingness and blackness for real.

Q:  What are your plans for this year exactly?

A: Gaps: No more and no less, getting wasted with four habitats tour again and TRILOGY ALBUM! hahaha

Q:  Do you have any shout outs to give the readers?

A: Gaps: TO HELL AND BACK! thanks for your time Chris, infernal hails to FACEMELTER WEBZINE!

**I want to thank Gaps from Exhumation for this Interview, check out the band on the following pages**




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