Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2013

Hardfaced Interview


Formed In:




Dimitar Saveski - vocals
Kliment Veljanoski - vocals
Goran Veljanoski - guitars
Jovan Naumoski - guitars
Igor Snegar - bass
Jordan Malenko - drums

1. What was the reason for using the band name "Hardfaced"?

- There is no some special reason behind our name. When we started the band back in 2004 we just wanted the name that is short and powerful. One of the former members comes with the name Hardfaced, and that was it.

2. How many shows have you played, and which one has been your favorite thus far?

- I don’t count exactly, but probably more than 100. Favorite shows…every time when we play in our hometown Ohrid, the shows are totally crazy! Also I can pick the shows with our friends Smut, Last Hope. I’ll mention the shows with No Turning Back, Born From Pain, Devil In Me, etc…

3. What lyrical theme do you guys use in your music? What message do you want to send?

- Usually we write about the things that surround us and took place in our private lives. Themes such as friendship, love, hate, betrayal, politics and everything around us. No hidden messages at all.

4. What song do you enjoy playing the most live?

- I cannot pick a favorite song. We usually choose songs from both records. Currently we’re working on our third record, so few new songs will took the place of the old ones.

5. What artists have influenced your band and its music?

- We are six person bend and there is really a lot of artists and bands that influenced us through the years. It will take a lot of space if I had to mention all of them here. We’re all listen very different kinds of music from metal and rock to hardcore and punk.

6. If a fan wants to get a tattoo with one sentence from your lyrics, which sentence should he take?

- That’s his choice. Tattoos are personal.

7. If you would tour the USA this year, which bands would you like to play with? 

- One more tough question. If we had to fit to the style here’s my choice: Killswitch Engage, Unearth, As I Lay Dying.

8. What is the main source of inspiration when writing new music?

- Life.

9. What are your plans for this year exactly?

- Playing shows as much as possible, touring and recording new album.

10. Do you have any shout outs to give the readers?

- Thanks for your time reading few words about the band that comes from Macedonia. Keep supporting your local scene and bands that come from different parts of the world just to play the music that they love. Stay positive.



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