Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013

The Konstellation Interview

The Konstellation


Founded In:

Black/Death Metal

Om – Vocals
Barglish – Guitar
Erik - Session Guitar
Fallen Seraph – Bass
Oleg – Drums

Q: What was the reason for using the band name "The Konstellation"?

A: Our music is untouchable and various just like the stars in the sky.

Q: How many shows have you played, and which one has been your favorite thus far?

A:  During the past 4 years we played about 20 shows, we enjoy every show but the most awesome show was when we were the warm up band for Mayhem here in Hungary. we used to use a drum machine live, but now that we got a real drummer, the shows are more enjoyable and brutal.

Q: What lyrical theme do you guys use in your music? What message do you want to send?

A: We write about the universe, satanism, elite control of the human population, mental struggles, we like astronomy and mysticism.

Q: What song do you enjoy playing the most live?

A: Most of us enjoy playing: The Anger Source, New Horizon and The Tunnel tracks

Q: What artists have influenced your band and its music?

A: Many artists from many different genres, but I assume you imply to artists from the metal scene, therefore: Mayhem, Shining, Behemoth, Satyricon, Emperor and many many more.

Q: If a fan wants to get a tattoo with one sentence from your lyrics, which sentence should he take?

A: "the time has come now to prepare the astral war; cold times will come to our hearts"

Q: If you would tour the USA this year, which bands would you like to play with?

A: If such opportunity emerges, we would be pleased to show The Konstellation to United States! playing with legends such as Morbid Angel, Behemoth, Satyricon, Immolation, Vader and others would be a dream that came true.

Q: What is the main source of inspiration when writting new music?

A: Main source can be anything; everyday life and all the obstacles we face each day.

Q: What are your plans for this year exactly?

A: This year (2013) we plan to release a new EP called "III", and we are currently signed to the Metal Battle here in Hungary, if everything goes well, we hope to meet at Wacken!

Q: Do you have any shout outs to give the readers?

A: Check out our Debut album "Order Of The Universe", it's free for streaming at our Soundcloud website and soon the new EP as well !


Free Album Stream:

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