Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013

Cognizance Interview

Band : 

Leeds, UK

Formed In : 

Melodic/Technical Death Metal

Henry Pryce - Vocals
Alex Baillie - Guitars/Backing Vocals

Q: What was the reason for using the band name "Cognizance"?

A: Alex: Man, coming up with a band name we both could agree one too forever, all the best ones had been taken! Although I stumbled across 'Cognizance' whilst reading something and I was digging it, I liked the sound of it and it was a nice fit with some of the lyrical themes we have going on.

Q: You just released your debut EP called "Inquisition"; Can you tell us something about the songwriting and recording process?

A: Henry: Everything is simply done between my home studio and Alex's studio , We used cubase 6 with focusrite interfaces and a kemper profiling amp. We just take Di's and send off for mixing and mastering with Sascha at perfect fifth studios.
As for the main composition Alex handles most of that using guitar pro 6 but sometimes uses cubase 6.

Q: What lyrical theme do you guys use in your music? What message do you want to send?

A: Alex: I guess the lyrical theme for 'Inquisition' is centered around the evolution of theories and knowledge regarding our current understanding of reality, right down to its most fundamental level. Although each song has a slightly different view point to the overwhelming topic that this is. When writing the lyrics I wasn't really thinking of a direct message that I wanted to send, however I'm sure someone can find an underlying message in there somewhere!

Q: What is your favorite song that you ever wrote for "Cognizance"?

A: Henry: Ha we are currently writing new songs which obviously id say one of them is my favourite as Alex has really out done himself with guitars already in comparison to inquisition , but if i had to choose a track of the E.P i would have to say Epistemology as it was the first Cognizance song that came together plus it has my buddy Aaron is on it and he lays down some furious vocals.

Q: What artists have influenced your band and its music?

A: Alex: We're both into a lot of different types of music, but when it comes to Cognizance we've obviously got our pick of favourite extreme metal bands that have been a major influence on our sound. Bands like; The Black Dahlia Murder, Necrophagist, Martyr, Psycroptic, The Faceless, Nevermore, Behemoth, Arsis. The list could go on all day! We're both into a lot of the old school and new school virtuoso guitarists like; Frank Gambale, Marco Sfogli, Paul Wardingham and Christian Muenzner, so I think a lot of the melody in the tracks comes from their influence.

Q: If a fan wants to get a tattoo with one sentence from your lyrics, which sentence should he take?

A: Alex: Haha, wow, thats a curveball. You said what lyrics should 'he' take, don't be forgetting we might have some chicks dig our band one day too, perhaps haha!! But in all seriousness I have no idea, everyone interprets lyrics in totally different ways, so I guess if a particular line really jumped out at someone or meant something significant to them they should go for that. If anyone ever got some of our lyrics tattooed on them I would eat my own head.

Q: Which bands would you like to play with live someday?

A: Henry: Kool and the gang.

Q: What is the main source of inspiration when writing new music?

A: Alex: When writing new music it all starts with laying down a phat riff, then I go from there. I'll probably try not to listen to too much metal when writing a new track as I dont want to subconsciously steal some of that particular bands ideas. In terms of getting inspired I mainly just get pumped to finish the track and have another track nailed for recording, I guess thats maybe not inspiration but its definitely a motivational tool. Comfy clothes are really inspiring when i'm writing new music, comfort first dude, chaffing isn't what i'm about when i'm trying to write some jams, you know.

Q: What are your plans for this year exactly?

A: Henry: Unfortunately there is no way to say exactly what we will be doing in the future however i can say that we will be releasing a album demo soon with lots of new merch and other things but barring that as i said i can't really say yet.

Q: Do you have any shout outs to give the readers?

A: Henry: Shout out to; Jelly Legs Mick, Blue bottles face Martin, The Jobie, Whispy Chin and of course the mighty Chris Fayers for soiling himself at work.

Big Cartel:

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