Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013

Limerance - The Aftermath Review

I first listened to Limerance back in 2011 as I was in search for technical death metal/ technical deathcore bands. I found the track "Children Of The Sun" on youtube and I directly loved their sound. A few weeks later I figured out that they are from Mexico and released one ep named "The Aftermath" in 2010.

This EP is a fantastic release, Limerance is in my opinion the best band from south america and they are very underrated. The ep comes with 2 acoustic songs that are written in a mexican style, two very enjoyable and relaxing songs with beautiful melodies and a "feel-good" ambience. The name of one piece fits perfectly to the other 4 tracks on the ep; "Storms Become Nightmares". If these two tracks were like two storms in a positive way, the rest of the ep is a dark and chaotic nightmare for you!

This is pure brutality polished with beautiful melodies and leads, technical riffs that go from mighty sweeps to crushing breakdowns that will make you want to kill and destroy! The guitarists show us on every single track how high-skilled they are by playing really complex riffs and insane solos. They also use diverse techniques like sweeping,taping, and so on... The drums are dynamic and diverse too, the drummer is really sick and one of his strengths are the fast and tight blast beats. The bassist is not just using the first string, you can hear that he's going with the guitars and plays very complex rhythm parts. The music is very well structured and you have a big variety of riffs in every song. If you like songs that have parts that get repeated over and over again, Limerance is not the right choice for you! This is complex technical death metal/deathcore at its finest! The album is like I said very technical but it also has a progressive touch. This masterpiece can be enjoyed by a "true" metalhead as well as by a "mosh/corekid".

Lyrically, Limerance is screaming and growling about deliverance, inner struggles and revolutions I think. The voice of the singer is devastating, a low growl that is not too low and not to high, it has a lot of power and fits perfect to the tracks. He also uses a sharp and kind of thin high growl that I personaly like.

I really like the cover of the album and the songs are really good mixed. It's not perfect but I really like that rawness in the songs.

Limerance managed to create their own unique sound on this EP and I hope that they will continue writing music in this style in the future. Check them out, they could become your new underground metal band soon!


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