Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013

Goddess Of Fate - A Reversal Civilisation Review

To be honest, I am a very big fan of indonesian metal and I really love the metal scene there. I always see posters from indonesian festivals or concerts that always have more than 10 bands with short sets playing there, all of them with brutal, unreadable logos and one-two bad quality demo songs on youtube. Most of them are playing deathgrind or brutal death metal and sound nearly identical, but there are also exceptions.

I will review an EP released in 2011 by a technical death metal  band called "Goddess Of Fate" that clearly separates itself from the rest. There's something special about this EP, everytime I'm listening to it I'm asking myself : "Why the fuck are indonesian bands so underrated?"... Man, this is a masterpiece, I coudn't believe my ears the first time I turned the music on. This is no bad quality demo grind shit with no structure and permanent blast beats and pig squeals, this is a very solid and complex release containing lots of elements of other kinds of metal. This is death metal at its best!

The music is at some parts very technical and complex, especially the guitars and the bass. The drums fit perfectly to the riffs and play very diverse beats at some points. The whole EP has a progressive touch, you can hear it the best when listening to the mighty 11'a half minute track "A Reversal Civilisation". You can also hear the melodic side of the band on tracks like "Putaran Sistem" and "Demolition". The band managed to structure their songs very well, wrote catchy melodic riffs and leads as well as crushing slamming grooves and fast and breathtaking solos that are tight like some Trivium solos or chaotic, confusing and fast shreding  solos like on some "Cannibal Corpse" songs, wildly sweeping till your face starts to melt!

I thing that I really enjoy on this ep is the fact that they used clean guitar parts very often and that they managed to write meaningful lyrics in english and indonesian! As far as I understand, the EP is lyrically about the end of the world, and I really like the artwork. Another thing that I like on this release is the bass that isn't "shy" and only follows the guitar, it breaks loose at some points and plays own melodies or small solos or leads like on "Putaran Sistem" or "Praxis". The SFX on the titletrack" A Reversal Civilisation" is unique and I really like it and the production is very well done; it's still raw but all in all it fits to the sound. 

The angry low growls of the singer makes this EP nearly perfect, I would recommend this EP to all death metal fans that like melodic and technical parts in their music and are not afraid of discovering something total new from a country full of amazing bands like Goddess Of Fate, Indonesia. Check them out!


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