Montag, 18. Februar 2013

Kaldt Interview


Country Of Origin:

Founded In:

Black N' Roll

M.K, - Guitar
Markus - Bass

Live Members:
Edward - Vocals
Lihtsalt Siim - Guitar, Programming

Q: What was the reason for using the band name "Kaldt"?

A: We started actually under the name 39.45. But after some time we decided to change the name because it didn´t really fit with our music. So the name Kaldt was chosen. Kaldt means cold in norwegian and it fits our music better.

Q: How many shows have you played, and which one has been your favorite thus far?

A: We have only played live once. On 15.december 2012. So we can´t really choose between any shows. But we hope to play more shows in the future.

Q: What lyrical theme do you guys use in your music? What message do you want to send?

A: The lyrical theme is something dark (human misery, insanity) on the EP. The lyrics of the 4 EP songs tells a story about someone, whose life is far away from pleasant.

Q: What song do you enjoy playing the most live?

A: We enjoy playing Stockholm Syndrome the most.

Q: What artists have influenced your band and its music?

A: There are many bands that have influenced us but we can´t put out any certain ones. We want to play black metal that sounds differently than others.

Q: If a fan wants to get a tattoo with one line from your lyrics, which line should he take?

A: Haha, that's a tough one actually, but i guess: Aurea mediocritas, the golden mean, my road to humanity.

Q: If you would tour the USA this year, which bands would you like to play with?

A: It is always nice to dream but Immortal, Amon Amarth, Marilyn Manson, Aeternus, Vreid and Lifelover would be the ones that we would like to share stage with.

Q: What is the main source of inspiration when writting new music?

A: We do not have a specific inspiration for our music. Ideas for songs can come from anything.

Q: What are your plans for this year exactly?

A: At the moment we are working on new material and we hope to start recording it this year. And also we would like to play more live shows soon.

Q: Do you have any shout outs to give the readers?

A:Thanks for reading and thank you for the interview! Check out our EP and support underground metal!


Free EP Download:

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