Sonntag, 17. Februar 2013

Vulvectomy - Post-Abortion Slut Fuck Review

Vulvectomy became my favorite brutal death band in 2012 as I first listened to their 2010 release "Post-Abortion Slut Fuck". A solid release with a cover that perfectly fits to the genre and the music; a cover full of blood, rape, pain, slaughter, mutilation and dead bodys. This album was also the reason why I started a brutal death project myself & that's why I'm writing this review.

The album starts with 4 hits on the china cymbal, then the other instruments come in and you can now listen to one of the most epic slams in the history of brutal death in my opinion. The full album is full of very groovy slams and riffs so that you can headbang to it all day. The songs are all very good structured and I really enjoy the fact that they use several time signatures in their songs, almost everything from 4/4 to 7/8.

The band used a drum machine for the drumming but it still sounds awesome and real. They used a lot of fast double bass parts in their songs and they also used many blast beats that sound very tight. The drumming is very diverse on this album and if you listen carefully to the album you can hear the played variations and some ghost notes that can be heared at some points. I really like the dry sound of the drum kit and the sound of the snare that is used in almost all fill ins and is used to turn a 4/4 beat in 7/8, listen to the music and you will understand what I mean.

The lyrics are about death, gore, mutilation, brutal mutilation, slaughter, infections and all kind of brutal or disguisting things. The vocals are growled in the same style all the time, a really low grunt, pig squeals at their best and they perfectly fit to the music Vulvectomy creates.

A thing that I really like about the album is that it doesen't let you breath one second, it is brutal and straight in your face from the beginning to the end and it uses many confusing samples that make the music even more interesting than it already is.

You will fall in love with these kings of slam that remind me of old Devourment. They are not playing something revolutionary, it's still generic brutal death but the album has something very special, for me it's one of the best slam death releases of this decade and Vulvectomy managed to create their own sound in my opinion.

The mix of the album is a little raw and I really enjoy that "not perfect quality". Every instrument melts together, and together with the devastating vocals if the singer your face will start melting after only one slam. Check this out, it's worth a try!

(The new album by italian pathological slam death idols "VULVECTOMY" called "Abusing Dismembered Beauties" will be released in February 2013 thru Sevared Records. A trailer can be seen bellow. )



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